156: Respect The Culture Series: DJ Edition featuring DJ Shante
In episode 156, we come with our exclusive segment on That Boom Bap; Respect The Culture Series! On this installment, we feature the world renowned DJ and on-air personality, DJ Shante (@djshante). We dive into when she first fell in love with hip-hop, along with her journey into the world of mixing and rocking the crowds. Plus, we get some insight into DJ Shante's world as we play one of our signature games with her. All this and a whole lot more on that #BoomBap.
Articles Referenced:
That Boom Bap's Spring 2019 Mix: https://open.spotify.com/user/zarn2yynjd2pl4vl6aezgchti/playlist/7kTfEWf80rODzwFa5stjn9?si=BYHQ2TZLR1ivRzEy1EfZ1Q